Saturday, April 29, 2006


Dream dreams

What will be

Dream dreams

What can’t be

Dream dreams

Just to think

Our so called life

Is just a blink.

Dream dreams

Just believe

That those dreams

Some day

Will be

Dream dreams

Or just to think

That only dreams

Is all they’ll be?


Iana said...

Good one! Keep on writing, dont be shy.

aquarela said...

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” -Walt Disney ...

me alegro que te hayas lanzado a mostrarnos, todo ese talento que se que llevas dentro... !!!

un abrazoo!

Máximo said...

Fuck si Tony... cuando fui a tu casa me quedé perplejo con las vainas que haces. AWESOME está esta pieza. Keep on. "Ni un paso pa tra ni pa tomar impulso".